3 simple steps to complete your waiver

Customer Info Form

e-Sign Consent

Waiver & Agreement

Please Note: If you are the parent/guardian of minor(s) playing our room, a Minor Particpant Addendum is also required for their participation.

A waiver is required for each booking a player participates in. Players who have previously completed a Waiver and are playing another room wil need to complete another waiver.

Don’t hesitate to consult your Gamemaster who will happily assist you with any questions! We can also be contacted at admin@chapelthrillescapes.com

If you have questions about how we store your information and retain your records, we invite you to view our Privacy Policy to learn more.

NOTICE: Under federal law, you have the right to use an alternative method of signing these documents rather this electronic portal. Chapel Thrill Escapes is able to provide our customers, at no cost, the option to sign your Waiver using a paper copy at the time of your booking. If you wish to sign your documents in-person, please don't continue with using this portal and inform us at the email address found on this page.